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Forward Openshift Audit Logs to Splunk using Newrelic Fluent Bit

·2 mins

It is common for organizations to send logs to multiple systems—for example, container logs to NewRelic, and audit logs to Splunk for the InfoSec team.

Deploying NewRelic using helm chart will also deploy the NewRelic logging deamonset, which utilizes a custom Fluent Bit image with a NewRelic output plugin to forward logs easily. Since the NewRelic Fluent Bit image uses an upstream fluent bit as a base image, it is pre-baked with the Splunk plugin.

Now, let’s look at how to configure both NewRelic for container logs and Splunk for audit logs using the helm chart.

Three things have to be configured in helm chart values

  • Configure tail input for audit log paths
  • Update the Match tag in the Kubernetes filter to match all records that start with audit.*
  • Configure Splunk output with HEC token and host details

Configure audit input #

Input Plugins gather information from different sources; some collect data from log files. tail input plugin allows monitoring one or several text files. It has similar behavior to the tail -f shell command.

In this case, we want to tail /var/log/audit/audit.log; to configure new input in NewRelic logging. Add tail input for audit logs in values.yaml file under the fluentBit config -> inputs section, as shown below.

    inputs: |
          Name              tail
          Tag               kube.*
          Path              ${PATH}
          Parser            ${LOG_PARSER}
          DB                ${FB_DB}
          Mem_Buf_Limit     7MB
          Skip_Long_Lines   On
          Refresh_Interval  10
          Name              tail
          Tag               audit.*
          Path              "/var/log/audit/audit.log"
          Parser            ${LOG_PARSER}
          DB                ${FB_DB}
          Mem_Buf_Limit     7MB
          Skip_Long_Lines   On
          Refresh_Interval  10      

Update Match rule #

A Match represents a simple rule to select Events whose Tags match a defined rule.

In this scenario, we are checking the audit.* tags. Only one unique filter is allowed; we’ll append it to the existing kube.* tag.

          Name                kubernetes
          Match               kube.* audit.*
          Kube_URL            https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443
          Buffer_Size         ${K8S_BUFFER_SIZE}
          K8S-Logging.Exclude ${K8S_LOGGING_EXCLUDE}
          Name           record_modifier
          Match          *
          Record         cluster_name ${CLUSTER_NAME}

Configure Splunk output #

The output interface allows the definition of destinations for the data. For example, our destination for audit logs is Splunk.

To configure new output in NewRelic logging. Add splunk output for audit.* logs in the values.yaml file under the fluentBit config -> outputs section, as shown below.

    outputs: |
          Name           newrelic
          Match          *
          licenseKey     ${LICENSE_KEY}
          endpoint       ${ENDPOINT}
          lowDataMode    ${LOW_DATA_MODE}
          Retry_Limit    ${RETRY_LIMIT}
          Name           splunk
          Match          audit.*
          Port           443
          TLS            On
          Splunk_Token   ${SPLUNK_TOKEN} #Create a secret with Splunk token and mount into container      

Finally, recreate the logging pods. Audit logs should be routed to Splunk along with container logs to NewRelic.