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Setting Up Cloudflared Tunnel on OpenShift

·2 mins

Introduction #

Cloudflare’s Tunnel, powered by Cloudflared, provides a secure way to expose your web applications to the internet without exposing your origin server’s IP address. This guide walks us through the steps to set up a Cloudflared tunnel on OpenShift, a popular container platform.

This setup will expose the OpenShift console and Ingress routes only, not the API server, for oc login

Prerequisites #

  • An OpenShift cluster, either on-premises or in a cloud provider
  • Cloudflare account
  • Basic knowledge of OpenShift and Cloudflare

Install Cloudflared on Your Local Machine #

Download and Install the Cloudflared binary for your operating system from the Cloudflare website.

brew install cloudflared

Verify the installation

$ cloudflared version
cloudflared version 2024.2.1 (built 2024-02-20T16:25:25Z)

Create a Cloudflare Tunnel #

Authenticate Cloudflared: A browser window will open and prompt you to log in to your Cloudflare account. After logging in, select your hostname.

cloudflared tunnel login

Create a tunnel and give it a name. From the command’s output, note the Tunnel’s UUID and the path to your Tunnel’s credentials file.

cloudflared tunnel create openshift

Configure Cloudflared for OpenShift #

Create an OpenShift secret from the Tunnel’s credentials file.

oc create secret generic cloudflared --from-file ~/.cloudflared/<tunnel_id>.json

To deploy the cloudflared tunnel image, I’ll be using a helm chart

Create a values.yaml with a cloudflared configuration.

replicaCount: 3
  tag: "2024.2.1"
  existingSecret: cloudflared
    - hostname: "oauth-openshift.apps.<DOMAIN>"
        noTLSVerify: true
      service: https://oauth-openshift.openshift-authentication
    - hostname: "*.apps.<DOMAIN>"
        noTLSVerify: true
      service: https://router-internal-default.openshift-ingress.svc.cluster.local
    - service: http_status:404

Install helm chart

helm repo add xunholy-charts
helm install cloudflared xunholy-charts/cloudflared -f values.yaml -n networking

Cloudflared will authenticate with Cloudflare using the credentials in the configuration file and establish a secure tunnel to your OpenShift service.

Verify that cloudflared pods are running.

oc get pods
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cloudflared-fd8478945-l7xhc   1/1     Running   0          119m
cloudflared-fd8478945-v9nq5   1/1     Running   0          119m
cloudflared-fd8478945-wt2z7   1/1     Running   0          119m

Create a DNS record #

Follow this guide to create a DNS record for the tunnel. For the CNAME record name, add *.apps.<DOMAIN_NAME> with the target as <TUNNEL_ID>,

Verify the Tunnel #

Open a web browser and navigate to the OpenShift console.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up a Cloudflared tunnel on OpenShift, which allows you to expose your web application securely to the internet.